Thursday, October 9, 2008

please tell me this is a joke

palin makes me embarrassed to be a woman already and NOW i'm going to have to be embarrassed to be a flyers fan too????

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

thoughts on a past life

i haven't posted a blog in a little while-been superbusy with attending a wedding, work and uhhhh...actual real life stuff lately.
i promise i will get back to blogging more often again.

however... in the meantime...

one of my dearest friends terry recently travelled to my former home -portland,oregon- on vacation with one of my other favorite people jamie.

From mattroplex's bday at megan's

knowing that i lived there for about 5 years terry grilled me on my experiences there and then blogged about it.

go check out his blog and read about my former life:

Thanks a Lot, Pal

there are two very important aspects of portland i forgot to mention to terry:

1. there are more hot guys in portland than anywhere else i've ever been. if i were single when i lived would have been t-r-o-u-b-l-e. with a capital T.

2.the fashion in portland is as laid back as the people-jeans are appropriate any and kind of weirded me out. you could go to the fanciest/most expensive restaurant in portland and jeans would still be appropriate. no one ever gets dressed up. it was sooo strange.

From portland 2001-2004
