saturday i get to go to the phillies exhibition game against the rays with cole hamels pitching
the seats are supposed to be pretty damn good and now that pat burrell (or as i called him fat squirrel) plays for the rays i get to heckle him for real. and then the real season starts on sunday against the braves.
and then after that i get to see one of my absolute all-time favorite bands the brian jonestown massacre.they are probably the one band i've seen more times than any other band-although i haven't gotten the chance to see them in about 4 years at this point and i've been going through some major withdrawal. they're the only band i actually own underwear of and one of the only bands i've ever considered getting a tattoo of (though at this point i'm glad i never did...the other band was spacemen 3).
here's one of my favoritest favorite songs that i hope they play this time around:
my only hope is that the hoopla over the movie "dig" (a film that i have an extremely passionate and unwavering opinion on that i won't be writing about here but ask me about sometime in real life) will have been forgotten at this point and there will be far less douchebags at the show than the less time i saw them.
this time around matt hollywood and joel are playing again. come to think of it i'm not sure that i have ever seen any lineup of the band more than once-well i guess i should say on more than one tour.
AND they are opening up with asteroid #4 (who are my favorite current philadelphia band second only to th' sounds of kaleidoscope).
i was actually at this show-in fact i might have dj'ed at it)
and tonight i get my new camera with which to document everything.
i think it's going to be the best weekend in a long time.