i'm going to game 5 of the world series tonite.
if we win tonite we win the world fucking series.
and i will be there in person to actually see it.
just like hall and oates said cole hamels you make'a my dreams come true
maybe i'm a little too obsessed with lost but i'm starting to make all these kind of silly supernatural connections as to why we are going to win the whole shebang tonight:
last time we won was 1980.
now it's 2008.transpose 80 to 08. to me that looks just about right.
the last time we won the world series i was in diapers-it's been 28 years since we won and i'm 28 years old. my parents actually attended the winning game 6 of the world series and i'm actually attending tonight's game.
my favorite pitcher cole hamels is actually pitching at the game i have a ticket to.and he's usually a sureshot.
my other favorite player shane victorino has the same birthday as me but born in 1980.
my third favorite player jayson landing strip werth is number 28...and he incidentally hit a homerun last night!
me terry and jamie were just joking about hall and oates recently and now find out that hall is doing the anthem tonight.
all coincidence? i think not. jj abrams is clearly behind this whole thing. he and uncle charlie and the mlb must have been having secret meetings on the island.
last night's game was so amazing. i could barely even talk afterwards. i was practically mainling jameson's and pbr and that might have had something to do with it but still...
our heads were spinning with extreme ecstacy.
anything i possibly can cross will be crossed and i'm wearing lucky red undies.whatever superstitions however ridiculous they may be i will follow so that we win tonite.i will not hear any negative thoughts from anyone. i need to see this happen before my very eyes and i have faith that it will.
tonite's the night we're gonna make it happen.
tonite we'll put all other things aside.
i'm so excited and i just can't hide it....i'm about to lose control and i think i like it.
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