I saw this movie last night in the theater
and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I *think* i liked it but it was not even REMOTELY anything i was expecting.
{with a title culled from a morrissey tune it's already off to a good start-"let the right one slip in"- from viva hate
Let the right one in
Let the old dreams die
Let the wrong ones go
They cannot
They cannot
They cannot do what you want them to do
Oh ...
Let the right one in
Let the old dreams die
Let the wrong ones go
They do not
They do not
They do not see what you want them to
Oh ...
Let the right one in
Let the old things fade
Put the tricks and schemes (for good) away
Ah ... I will advise
Ah ... until my mouth dries
Ah ... I will advise you to ...
Ah ... let the right one slip in
Slip in
Slip in
And when at last it does
Id say you were within your rights to bite
The right one and say, what kept you so long ?
What kept you so long ?
Oh ..
i don't know if the writer was inspired by mozz or not but the lyrics are pretty apt}
i wouldn't consider this a vampire movie or even a horror movie really. the fact that there's a vampire in it is merely incidental.it feels very foreign, very arty and at points it seems really long. that isn't to say it wasn't interesting.it's more of a conversation piece.in fact it's not unlike watching a david lynch movie in some ways. it leaves a lot of open ends, a lot of plot points that you struggle to make sense of but still unforgettable and visually stimulating.
there are aspects of the story that are quite sweet and almost romantic. there are other aspects that are quite disturbing.
it's definitely not your typical movie-it's very dark but it defies genre. it certainly defies any kind of horror subgenre-it's not gory, it's not campy (i did laugh hysterically at one point but i don't think it was supposed to be that funny-i think that was just my warped sense of humor), there is no t&a (which as we all know is a main foundation of any good horror flick), no snappy one liners (albeit the film *is* swedish).
all that said, it's not a rush to the theater kind of flick and i'm not sure i would even watch it a second time. i think this one is going to take a couple of months to sink in fully with me.
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