Tuesday, February 3, 2009

i loved loved loved this movie

had i seen ladies and gentlemen the fabulous stains when i was actually 15 i would have been in far far more trouble as a teen than i already was.

i watched it this weekend and it brought back some of the excitement of going to see punk shows at the local y or church basements when i was in high school (or actually maybe more specificly in the basement of the cds to go on cottman ave).sigh-i wish going to shows still felt that way.i want to feel the passion. the filth and the fury.the mania.

the music in the movie is great-i had little doubt it would be with paul simmonen, paul cook and steve jones all actually in the cast.and ray winstone was actually pretty damn hot in it-i definitely would have had a crush on him had i seen this movie 15 years ago.Photobucket

diane lane is only 15 in the movie (before her transformation she looks a bit like i did at that age).laura dern is only 12. unbelievable!
eg daily has a bit of a cameo too.

it's clearly one of my new favorite movies. go watch it now.

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