Tuesday, April 14, 2009

he hit me and it felt like a kiss

phil spector's wall of sound is about to sound a whole lot different since he was just convicted of second degree murder.

the genius producer/songwriter couldn't get away with what oj did. and i believe i know why.

may i present to the people:

exhibits a and b (phil's looks during the trial)-


and exhibit c (what spector looked like in his heyday in the sixties)-

now i may not know much about the law (other than what i see on law and order suv) but i would kind of think if he had a half-decent lawyer (which with his fortune i am certain he could afford) he would have been advised by the lawyer to look a little more normal to evoke sympathy. i mean yeesh!

it's been said that most geniuses are madmen. by spector's catalog of work he must truly be batshit crazy because he's been the creator of a lot brilliance.

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p.s.-i wonder if when phil shot lana clarkson he exposed himself as a hermaphrodite?

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