Thursday, August 7, 2008

Decapitation's the latest craze

The Canadian Bus Attack:

I'm sure you have heard about it by now.and I'm pretty sure this is the craziest/most fascinating thing I have ever heard of in my entire life. You would *think* it's from a rob zombie movie not yet in production but nope! this is real life!!this REALLY happened! i mean jesus.this shit is crazy.

The police scanner tapes:

Greyhound ads in Canada scrapped due to attack

AND if that weren't enough-same week on another continent: a man in Greece decapitates his girlfriend and parades around town with her head on a stick.

Seriously...what the fuck is going on in society these days?????
I know I'm at least a week late in blogging about this but I've been doing research...and also i've been busy trying not to get decapitated.

You would think all this clearly equals a slew of new "true story" horror flicks about decapitation but the stories are actually too short to flesh out a suitable feature length plot which most likely means there will still be horror flicks loosely based on these current events only with a whole lot of made up backstory. I think I will just wait for the book.

I have soooo many questions on all this.

I want to know if there were any children on the bus witnessing it.I mean can you imagine the psychological damage inflicted by this? I mean I'm certain all the adult passengers are no doubt scarred for life but I can't imagine what this would do to a small child having to see this.

Why were the police referring to the killer as "Badger"? Who came up with that? The killer was a 6' tall Chinese man...

Paranoid schizophrenia, drugs, pure evil? What's the motive? and why *that* kid-there were 36 other passengers onboard afterall. Did "badger" just not like what the kid was playing on the his headphones?

After the attack how did the rest of the passengers even get home or to their destinations? You can bet they didn't want to get on another bus...

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